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ECGroup is an engineering firm, founded in 1998 in Aleppo - SYRIA. Despite its relatively young age, the founders of ECGroup accumulate together over 100 years of extensive experience in different engineering domains worldwide. In addition, the fact that among the staff of ECGroup several hold high degrees from prestigious US and European Universities, and have excellent communications skills in the Arabic, English, German and French languages, gives ECGroup the flexibility to meet the challenge of any engineering assignment.
ECGroup dedication, persistence, and commitment to hard work made it grow gradually and with sound steps from 5 structural engineers to over 25 staff members from all engineering disciplines, well versed in the business environment and way of life in the Middle east, making it a distinguished firm targeted by several local as well as foreign establishments in the engineering community. For fast-track projects, ECGroup is prepared to expand its personnel capability to accommodate any project size and time schedule.
With the utilization of the latest communication technologies, and the latest Analysis, Design and Drafting software packages, ECGroup sub-contracted engineering work for several projects contracted by European Companies. With continuous, day-by-day, contact and discussions with engineers sitting in their head offices in Europe, all projects met their deadlines, and obtained very satisfactory critics from both the European Engineering companies and from their clients.
ECGroup contains among its founders members of the committee in charge of developing and updating the Syrian Codes for the design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, as well as for the Seismic Design Regulations. Its engineers are capable of utilizing the latest US Codes and Standards, including UBC, IBC, AISC, ACI, ASTM, and others. ECGroup has the versatility to work with any system of units and/or to adapt to any European Code or Standard.